SAL-VA-TION: by grace

E-LEV-EN: children from 1984 to 2006

HOME-SCHOOL-ING: since 1990

DOWN-SYN-DROME: susie and gabe

GRAND-CHILD-REN: since 2010

FAITH-FUL-NESS: my steadfast rock, my biggest supporter, my leader, my friend, my love, my husband

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


When you have children spread out over a wide age range, it is not uncommon for the older ones to reminisce about how much harder life was for them than it is for the younger ones. They like to talk about how much work they did and how soft the younger ones are.

The truth is, they are raised differently. It would be a bit absurd to think that, as parents, we haven't grown, matured, changed, or degenerated in some ways in the past 25 years. Our children at home now are not being raised by the same parents who were at the helm with the older generation. Not only are we different, but our circumstances are different; so things are just going to be different.

But, I thought it might help you "older guys" to see some of the work that was done by the "younger guys" recently. I didn't have my camera out to capture Troy and Shane hauling wheelbarrow loads of dirt from the back garden to create a slope by the house, or shoveling and spreading a dump truck load of rocks. (After ten years it looks like the basement is without leaks!) But, here are some of the woodstacking efforts by Dana, Bryce, and Owen. So, when you come for Thanksgiving and you're enjoying a warm house you can thank your lazy younger siblings.

Our hope is that we are better parents now and that our younger ones will benefit from the changes, but if we're not and they don't and the older ones really feel like these guys aren't getting toughened up enough I'm sure they'll make sure to do what they can to make life harder for them. That's just one of the many benefits of a big family!


Joey said...

Uff da. I can't say that brings back fond memories at all! Maybe it's an overly dramatic reflection, but some of my worst high school memories are of heading out to the county forest to haul wood. It doesn't help that the logs were often cut into 6- to 8-foot (or even 10-foot) lengths that we (I) could hardly carry in the first place. I'm not sure who was worked more, us or the Ranger!

I'm happy to send my gas company $40/month now in exchange for a few more Saturdays a year! :) (I'm also just happy that my gas bill is "only" $40/month and not the astronomical price it probably would be for you to heat that house with gas!)

So no, there's no complaining about them getting it easy from me...with the exception that I don't see any 8-foot giants!

(Besides, I never understood the concept of older kids complaining that younger ones have it easy...isn't that backwards? Shouldn't we WANT them to have things the way we wanted them? I think I get much more frustrated when I see them being prohibited from things I was permitted to do or when things are harder for them than vice versa.)

Dana said...

You've definitely got some little troopers at home!!! I learned that when I helped them out that morning. They're good workers, they don't complain like I remember us complaining, and they have fun with it too! :)