Gabe loves to play guessing games when we ride in the car. He typically calls out, "Mama, animal!" and I have to guess what animal he's thinking of.
Tonight he called to me, "Mama, number!" I guessed a few and got it right when I said, "Two".
I heard Gabe say, "I have one and then one more."
I thought I'd take advantage of his interest in "one more" and try some addition with him so I asked him, "What is one more that two?"
He didn't answer so I followed up with, "If you hold up two finger and then hold up one more what do you have?"
He joyfully called out, "--W--!"
(OK, just in case you don't get it, hold up three fingers and you'll see that it looks like the letter W.)
SAL-VA-TION: by grace
E-LEV-EN: children from 1984 to 2006
HOME-SCHOOL-ING: since 1990
DOWN-SYN-DROME: susie and gabe
GRAND-CHILD-REN: since 2010
FAITH-FUL-NESS: my steadfast rock, my biggest supporter, my leader, my friend, my love, my husband
E-LEV-EN: children from 1984 to 2006
HOME-SCHOOL-ING: since 1990
DOWN-SYN-DROME: susie and gabe
GRAND-CHILD-REN: since 2010
FAITH-FUL-NESS: my steadfast rock, my biggest supporter, my leader, my friend, my love, my husband
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Untimely Injury/Illness
Two weeks ago today Bryce was playing in his Babe Ruth League championship game and in his first at bat in the top of the first inning he suffered a season ending injury to his hip. It was a bit of deja vu as he repeated the same injury that Chet sustained doing the same thing (swinging a bat) at the same age (just after his 15th birthday). Not only did he not get to play and pitch in the championship game but he was out for the Babe Ruth 15-year-old State Tournament that took place the following weekend. It was disappointing, especially since this was his last year of "All Star Tournaments", but he had a great attitude and went on with the wonderful disposition that he's so known for exhibiting.
As I already posted, Owen's All-Star team also made it to the state level. The week before the tournament (that began last Saturday) Owen came down with what appeared to be the flu. He was down and out for 2.5 days and missed 2 days of practice. He had a good day of rest and then on Saturday was the winning pitcher in the their first game.
On Sunday in church, Owen was chilled while everyone else was hot. He felt feverish and tired. By evening he said he felt fine again and today was suited up and ready to play. The temperature was 90 at the 11:00 am game time and, to my relief, Owen started the game on the bench. When he came in during the 4th inning it was obvious that he was not feeling up to par. He played 2nd base and made a play, hit the ball when he was up to bat, and made it on and off the field, but he was not well.
We left the game after a 7-6 loss and headed for the urgent care center. The x-ray confirmed what all the symptoms were pointing to--Owen has pneumonia. He's obeying doctor's orders and is in the hotel resting while the team is cheering at a homerun derby, he's getting lots of fluids, and taking his antibiotics. There's a chance he can get back in the game if he rebounds back quickly enough. But it's not certain.
So, what looked like a repeat of 2001 when Keith and Chet were 15 and 12 and both went to state tournaments has had a very different outcome for Bryce and Owen. Owen was pretty frustrated and disappointed after today's game, but is accepting that there's nothing he can do but rest and pray and so that is exactly what he's doing and leaving the rest in God's hands.
I would not have wished illness or injury on either of my boys, but it has been amazing to see the positive attitudes and dispositions they have both had through their trials.
As I already posted, Owen's All-Star team also made it to the state level. The week before the tournament (that began last Saturday) Owen came down with what appeared to be the flu. He was down and out for 2.5 days and missed 2 days of practice. He had a good day of rest and then on Saturday was the winning pitcher in the their first game.
On Sunday in church, Owen was chilled while everyone else was hot. He felt feverish and tired. By evening he said he felt fine again and today was suited up and ready to play. The temperature was 90 at the 11:00 am game time and, to my relief, Owen started the game on the bench. When he came in during the 4th inning it was obvious that he was not feeling up to par. He played 2nd base and made a play, hit the ball when he was up to bat, and made it on and off the field, but he was not well.
We left the game after a 7-6 loss and headed for the urgent care center. The x-ray confirmed what all the symptoms were pointing to--Owen has pneumonia. He's obeying doctor's orders and is in the hotel resting while the team is cheering at a homerun derby, he's getting lots of fluids, and taking his antibiotics. There's a chance he can get back in the game if he rebounds back quickly enough. But it's not certain.
So, what looked like a repeat of 2001 when Keith and Chet were 15 and 12 and both went to state tournaments has had a very different outcome for Bryce and Owen. Owen was pretty frustrated and disappointed after today's game, but is accepting that there's nothing he can do but rest and pray and so that is exactly what he's doing and leaving the rest in God's hands.
I would not have wished illness or injury on either of my boys, but it has been amazing to see the positive attitudes and dispositions they have both had through their trials.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
It Works! & Medical Mistake
If you check in here with any regularity you'll know that I've posted very little in the past few months. Blogger's new format had a lot (OK, everything) to do with that. I was not able to post from my home computer and when I did access it from another computer I wasn't able to insert paragraphs or other basic features that just made it a very frustrating experience. I was considering moving to a new host when I discovered I could press on button and get my old blog format back. And this one works.
If you're even looking at this post then it means you didn't completely give up on me, so here's a thought to leave you with:
I went in for routine blood work yesterday and the technician (phlebotomist?) greeted me with, "Hello, I'm a new hire here." That was my first tip that something was out of the ordinary. I've never had anyone in the medical field admit to being new.
She then asked me, "Is it all right if I look at your arm and draw some blood?" Second tip that things were not as usual. It would seem obvious that it's "all right" with me to draw blood...since that's why I'm here in the first place.
Thirdly, she kept showing all of her work to another gowned woman for her to OK. Third tip that she was definitely a newbie.
But the final proof that made me questing my own sanity at remaining in the chair was the nametag--"Cathy P, Inventory Clerk".
Memo to the hospital--have the new nametags ready when employees switch jobs!
Final note--she did a fantastic job, perhaps because she was so meticulous. I didn't bruise at all and barely have a mark today. Still, fix the nametag!
If you're even looking at this post then it means you didn't completely give up on me, so here's a thought to leave you with:
I went in for routine blood work yesterday and the technician (phlebotomist?) greeted me with, "Hello, I'm a new hire here." That was my first tip that something was out of the ordinary. I've never had anyone in the medical field admit to being new.
She then asked me, "Is it all right if I look at your arm and draw some blood?" Second tip that things were not as usual. It would seem obvious that it's "all right" with me to draw blood...since that's why I'm here in the first place.
Thirdly, she kept showing all of her work to another gowned woman for her to OK. Third tip that she was definitely a newbie.
But the final proof that made me questing my own sanity at remaining in the chair was the nametag--"Cathy P, Inventory Clerk".
Memo to the hospital--have the new nametags ready when employees switch jobs!
Final note--she did a fantastic job, perhaps because she was so meticulous. I didn't bruise at all and barely have a mark today. Still, fix the nametag!
Friday, July 13, 2012
All-Star Champions!

Owen's team came back from a 13-0 deficit after one inning to win the game 18-15. Seven players combined to hit nine home runs and two players (including Owen) bounced one over the fence. If they can keep the bats going and settle down on defense they could have a shot for success in the state tournament.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
My Supergirl
I know, 2 posts at once, unprecedented. But I had to share a quote from Lisa that just keeps putting a smile on my face.
Mom, I always dream about being a hero, but I never get the chance.
Summer Ball
Yes, it's been over a month since I put up a post here. I've thought of it but never have sat still long enough to do it. It doesn't help that I can't post from our main computer where all of my photos are stored. Getting on the laptop or heading to the library takes way more effort than I've been willing/able to expend!
I hate to say it's been a "busy" summer because no matter what's going on we're all "busy" with something. It's just that this summer the "busy" has been in the form of putting on mileage. We've had many summers that were filled with ball games. I remember one crazy summer when we had 6 kids playing on 5 different teams. We spent a lot of time at the park but it just meant packing picnics and traveling the 3+ miles back and forth to the park four or five nights a week.
This summer we broke a record even for us. With 6 kids home for the summer and 5 of them involved in a summer sport it was only a matter of time before everything happened on one day. Our day came a few weeks ago when we had 5 kids on 4 teams playing 3 different sports in tournaments in 4 different cities. It's a coincidence that is highly unlikely to ever repeat itself or we'd probably up our sports-age-requirement to 15!
We have an unusual twist to this summer as Shane is playing on the Wisconsin Jets AAU basketball team. It's a limb we have refused to go out on in the past, but saw that Shane (now 6'6") really was serious about wanting to try to pay for a college education with a basketball scholarship and this was the best way to get the exposure to make that happen. The money that we had planned to spend on a two-week family vacation has gone (is going) toward five 3-day traveling basketball tournaments. Two weeks ago his team won the Mr. Basketball Tournament in Sioux Falls, SD and there are 3 more tournaments to go.
Troy is home for the summer and playing some Legion ball but I haven't made it to any of those games. Once you're an adult my obligation to cheer from the bleachers is over. If it's a nice night and you're playing in town and I feel like sitting down by the lake I might be there.
Bryce played for a Babe Ruth team and filled in some on the Legion team. He had an amazing season with a batting average over .800 midway through the season. Last Monday his team was playing in the league championship game when, in the first half of the first inning, he pulled a hip muscle. He had to be carried off the field and watched his team lose the game. He was disappointed to miss the game but even more disappointed to miss the All-Star State Tournament this weekend. If he thought he could help the team on crutches he'd do it.
Owen filled a very significant baseball role this summer. He is the last boy in our family to be playing Little League. We've had a boy in the Little League program every year since 1995 and Keith has coached 15 of those years, coached several All-Star teams, and took Chet's team to the state tournament in 2001. Owen's All-Star team is one win away from heading to the state tournament as well and if they did it would make he and Chet the first brother combo to go to state in over 40 years (if ever). The Hodags have sent teams to state 5 times--1957, 1962, 1966, 1988, and 2001. The 2001 team was the only one to post a win at that level.
Finally, we've had Lisa in the mix this year. She gave fastpitch softball a try last summer but was completely disenchanted by the lack of games. There were none. All season long they met every week for a practice and maybe a scrimmage amongst themselves. She was beyond indignant and decided to give soccer a try. So, after a 16-year break (our older four tried soccer for a season) I am once again a "soccer mom". Lisa enjoyed her team very much and in her final game scored her first legitimate goal. (She was once credited for a goal when the opposing goalie "mis-kicked" the ball and it ricocheted off Lisa and into the net.)
It looks like everything should be wrapped up by the end of this month and my summer projects will get back on the front burner. Posting some pictures here might even be one of them!
I hate to say it's been a "busy" summer because no matter what's going on we're all "busy" with something. It's just that this summer the "busy" has been in the form of putting on mileage. We've had many summers that were filled with ball games. I remember one crazy summer when we had 6 kids playing on 5 different teams. We spent a lot of time at the park but it just meant packing picnics and traveling the 3+ miles back and forth to the park four or five nights a week.
This summer we broke a record even for us. With 6 kids home for the summer and 5 of them involved in a summer sport it was only a matter of time before everything happened on one day. Our day came a few weeks ago when we had 5 kids on 4 teams playing 3 different sports in tournaments in 4 different cities. It's a coincidence that is highly unlikely to ever repeat itself or we'd probably up our sports-age-requirement to 15!
We have an unusual twist to this summer as Shane is playing on the Wisconsin Jets AAU basketball team. It's a limb we have refused to go out on in the past, but saw that Shane (now 6'6") really was serious about wanting to try to pay for a college education with a basketball scholarship and this was the best way to get the exposure to make that happen. The money that we had planned to spend on a two-week family vacation has gone (is going) toward five 3-day traveling basketball tournaments. Two weeks ago his team won the Mr. Basketball Tournament in Sioux Falls, SD and there are 3 more tournaments to go.
Troy is home for the summer and playing some Legion ball but I haven't made it to any of those games. Once you're an adult my obligation to cheer from the bleachers is over. If it's a nice night and you're playing in town and I feel like sitting down by the lake I might be there.
Bryce played for a Babe Ruth team and filled in some on the Legion team. He had an amazing season with a batting average over .800 midway through the season. Last Monday his team was playing in the league championship game when, in the first half of the first inning, he pulled a hip muscle. He had to be carried off the field and watched his team lose the game. He was disappointed to miss the game but even more disappointed to miss the All-Star State Tournament this weekend. If he thought he could help the team on crutches he'd do it.
Owen filled a very significant baseball role this summer. He is the last boy in our family to be playing Little League. We've had a boy in the Little League program every year since 1995 and Keith has coached 15 of those years, coached several All-Star teams, and took Chet's team to the state tournament in 2001. Owen's All-Star team is one win away from heading to the state tournament as well and if they did it would make he and Chet the first brother combo to go to state in over 40 years (if ever). The Hodags have sent teams to state 5 times--1957, 1962, 1966, 1988, and 2001. The 2001 team was the only one to post a win at that level.
Finally, we've had Lisa in the mix this year. She gave fastpitch softball a try last summer but was completely disenchanted by the lack of games. There were none. All season long they met every week for a practice and maybe a scrimmage amongst themselves. She was beyond indignant and decided to give soccer a try. So, after a 16-year break (our older four tried soccer for a season) I am once again a "soccer mom". Lisa enjoyed her team very much and in her final game scored her first legitimate goal. (She was once credited for a goal when the opposing goalie "mis-kicked" the ball and it ricocheted off Lisa and into the net.)
It looks like everything should be wrapped up by the end of this month and my summer projects will get back on the front burner. Posting some pictures here might even be one of them!
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